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Necessity is the mother of invention.
I needed a highchair, so my mother invented one.
With a box.

To the box my mother added a pillow, and me. From inside that box I got my first glimpse of the world outside.

Outside our safe little box, so the story goes, we discover things and do things we never thought possible.

With luck, one day we revisit our little box. We look inside to see treasures we didn't even know were there. Take a look inside my little box.

Inside my toolbox is a screwdriver once used by my grandfather. From him I learned to make things and to use other tools, too, like patience and persistence.

My grandmother used matchboxes to make me a miniature chest of drawers to keep my tiniest treasures in. She taught me to see usefulness and worth in everything and anything.
Check out my lightbox to see some things I've made and my résume to see some things I've done. And here are some websites I've put together: Site 1, Site 2.
Inside a mailbox is the element of surprise. Anything could show up there. I hope to find a message from you inside mine: NIXA's MAILBOX
…or give me a call at (916) 203-2286.

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